Saturday, June 11, 2022

Summer Homeschooling - Star Wars Week

STAR WARS WEEK - Welcome to your very own Jedi Temple Challenge!

Get your own Star Wars costumes, and start every morning with the Jedi Motto: "Strength, Knowledge, and Bravery!"



The Planets of Star Wars

Art: Design your own planet! What color is it? What kind of creatures/animals live there? Do people live there? What is the weather like there? Can humans breathe there?

How can the characters in Star Wars travel from planet to planet, but we Earthly humans cannot? Hyperdrive allows starships to travel faster than the speed of light, crossing the galaxy through hyperspace.

You have heard people say, "May the Force be with you," but what does that mean? The Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together. Harnessing the power of the Force gives the Jedi (the light side), the Sith (the dark side), and others sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities. 

  • Who are some characters that are on the light side?
  • Who are some characters that are on the dark side?
  • Are you on the light side or the dark side of the Force?

Tuesday: The Jedi
  • The Jedi Order - A noble order of protectors unified by their ability to tap into the power of the Force, the Jedi Order are the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. 
    • Who is the most powerful Jedi?
  • Padawan - Those on the path to becoming a Jedi. They must first train one-on-one with Jedi Masters who help them understand the power of the Force and their place in the world. 
  • Lightsaber - This is the weapon of the Jedi. With a kyber crystal at its heart, a lightsaber can be used to cut through blast doors or defend against enemies. Using the Force, a Jedi can sense blaster bolts and deflect them with this elegant sword. 
  • Kyber Crystal - This is found at the heart of every Jedi lightsaber. This special gem channels the power of the Force and is connected to a Jedi Knight on a deeply personal level. In this way, a lightsaber is an extension of a Jedi's Force awareness. 

Wednesday: Droids
  • Astromech Droids - A series of short, utility robots generally used for the maintenance and repair of starships and related technology. R2-D2 is an astromech droid. 
  • Protocol Droids - Droids programmed in etiquette that can communicate in millions of languages, which makes them perfect assistants for Jedi, diplomats, and politicians. C-3PO is a protocol droid.
  • Build your own droid, or buy one that you can control with an app.  
  • P.E.: Star Wars Chase II

Friday: Final Jedi Temple Challenge
  • Test your Strength, Knowledge, and Bravery!
    1. Strength - go to a trampoline park and complete the obstacle course without touching the ground, the rock climbing wall all the way to the top, and the zipline (get clues for the next challenge with each task completed: bunny stuffed animal, binoculars, the numbers 1-2-3, the color blue, a rock)

    1. Knowledge - listen to a Star Wars story and help each other answer questions to complete a scavenger hunt
      • The Story: On the rocky world of Enujut, peacekeeper Evor Haris welcomed all visitors, most recently a ship of one-legged, gray Zemerin, a skittish species that could fix anything from star ships to food replicators. Later in town, Haris broke up a fight between a long-eared smuggler and a merchant. Seconds later, he found another confrontation between a technician and her assistant over a stolen orange and white data unit. After that, two Ewoks started arguing over which one was taller. And then, the cantina erupted over which food capsules were tastiest. Haris boiled over with rage. His 12 fingers curled into a fist, ready to pop anyone who didn't agree. A metal hand tapped him on the shoulder. "Leave me alone, I'm keeping the peace!" Haris snapped at the blue protocol droid. "Sir, I've noticed that these petty arguments began as soon as the Zemerin arrived." The droid had discovered the Zemerin were telepaths that fed off negative energy. They didn't want to repair ships, they wanted to cause trouble. Haris lost his cool and chased the droid into a transport, calling him a bile mopper, a space dolt, a yak sniffer, every name under Enujut's three suns, with the selfish Zemerin hopping behind to feed on the negativity like scavengers. Suddenly, the transport door slammed shut, Haris jumped from an emergency hatch, and the blue droid took off. Haris smiled as he watched the transport disappear from view through his macro binoculars, blasted back to their home planet. The Zemerin were going to be hopping mad when they realized they had been tricked. 
        • What kind of ears did the smuggler have? The bunny
        • How many Ewoks were arguing? 2
        • What did Haris use to watch the Zemerin? The binoculars
        • What color was the protocol droid? Blue
        • The Zemerin had a special power. What was it? Telepathy
        • How many suns did Enujut have? 3
        • What kind of landscape did Enujut have? Rocky
        • How many legs did the Zemerin have? 1

    1. Bravery - your teammate navigates you through the dark (blindfolded) to find your Kyber Crystal
  • The Dark Side tempts them with the answers (I had an envelope with all the answers inside sitting in front of them on the table)

Saturday: Field Trip to the caves/caverns like we're on Dagobah, or within any of the other many caves in the Star Wars universe. 
"Reminds me of Dagobah. Dunno why the Force seems to love caves so much." -Luke Skywalker, in a cave on Serelia

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Thanks for reading Blue Sky Days! XOXO, Kyrstie.