Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Years!

Wow! 2013 has been such an incredible year for us!

We've brought two beautiful, happy, healthy babies into this world!

Anna has gone from barely being able to hold her head up to sitting to crawling to standing and now to almost walking!


I married my best friend this past October!

And, we have finally gotten our lives together on the right track and going in the right direction!

I'm so excited for all the potential the New Year holds for us and our little family, and I'm ecstatic to get going on all we plan to accomplish in it!

Happy New Years, everyone! I hope you're all looking back on another marvelous year and are ready to embark on a new and exciting fresh start for 2014! XOXO, Kyrstie.

Monday, December 30, 2013

8 Mommy Resolutions for the New Year!

We all tend to make major, sometimes drastic and/or borderline ridiculous, New Year's resolutions around this time of year, but I feel there are a few resolutions we can make as Mamas this year that will actually do us some good physically and emotionally and will keep us going all year long!

1. Perfection Doesn't Matter

I will embrace the fact that I'm not perfect.

You can be cranky, you can lose your patience, and yes -- you can even move the clock ahead an hour just so the kids will go to bed early and give you some peace and quiet. You don't have to bake everything from scratch, make Halloween costumes out of scraps lying around the house, or coach the soccer team. Children don't need you to be perfect. What they really need are reasonable limits, lots of hugs and kisses, and a happy Mommy. 

2. Find Time to Play

I will get down on the floor and play with my children every day. 

Babies -- and older kids too -- need regular face-to-face time with the adults in their lives. And while it can be difficult to get involved in their fantasy world -- especially when you're busy or tired -- it's vital that you do it. Why? Because play is your child's way of expressing himself, and you being there boosts his emotional intelligence. Even if the floor isn't your forte, fake and follow you little one's lead. 

3. Practice Healthy Habits

I will take care of my body.

When's the last time you put your needs first? Even if you have to force yourself, carve out 30 minutes a day, several days a week, to get some exercise (Luckily, I have a hubby who is already on top of this and just got us a gym membership with a daycare center last week! Love him!). It improves your mood, blasts far, and boosts your immune system. And we're not talking spin classes (which I now avoid after twisting my ankle on one of the spin bikes, haha!) or complicated step aerobics here -- even a simple walk around the neighborhood will do the trick. While you're at it, try to eat a balanced diet and get as much sleep as you possibly can each night.

4. Accept the Reality of Motherhood

I will learn to love the chaos.

Family life is full of unexpected turns, contagious diseases, occasional humiliations, laundry, and more work than you'll ever see an end to. It is also full of moments of great beauty, tenderness, sticky kisses, and a miracle or two. Remind yourself that children are your excuse to lower your standards. As comedian Phyllis Diller once said, "Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."

5. Connect at the Dinner Table

I will make the family dinner a priority. 

Sure, it's easier to grab pizza and eat in front of the TV than to arrange a meal at the dinner table. But the food isn't the focus -- the family is. Sitting down with your children each night allows you to connect and talk about your day. And research has found that kids who regularly have dinner with their parents are more likely to do well in school and stay out of trouble. 

6. Don't Forget the Romance

I will focus a little more on my marriage. 

Marriage is a living thing that needs to be watered, fed, and nurtured. But raising children takes so much time and energy that chances are you see less of your husband now than you did when the two of you were dating. The solution? Hold hands whenever you can, and hire a babysitter (or enlist a grandparent) once a week, so you can spend time as a couple.

7. Stay in Touch

I will make time for my friends.

You can live without friends, but why would you want to? Setting aside just 15 minutes a day -- to send a text message, dash off an e-mail, or make a phone call -- will do more than keep you connected. That's because friendships not only nurture you emotionally, they also help you combat stress by allowing you to blow off a little steam -- which in turn may actually lower your blood pressure.

8. Appreciate the Little Things

I will remind myself daily that time with my children is precious.

In just the past year, I've watched my baby girl go from a newborn who needed me for everything to an independent almost toddler who is borderline walking and wants to play and do on her own, and I'm about to watch it all over again with Little Man.

Motherhood never ends -- but childhood does. You have a tiny baby, you blink, and suddenly there's a 3-year-old standing in front of you, announcing, "I'm big now." The magic years are unbelievably brief, and every day that little girl or boy is changing and growing, edging a little closer toward the door. Remember the essence of parenting isn't in the milestones, but in the everyday moments. So stop, pay attention, and make sure you celebrate them every chance you get.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Baby Chayton Is Here!

We're home safe and sound, and little Anna and baby Chayton celebrated their first Christmas yesterday! 

The 20th was a long, long day, but at the end of it, we finally had our gorgeous baby boy in our arms!

Our induction was scheduled for 5:30 AM on December 20th, but in true Christmas-baby style, when we arrived at the hospital that morning, there was no room for us at the inn. 

They finally got us in there around 4:30 that afternoon, and we were already exhausted by that point because we, of course, weren't able to get any rest when we went back home for waiting for that phone call. My doctor broke my water around 5:30 PM (she just wanted to start Pitocin, so it wouldn't be so fast, but I was ready to get the show on the road), and by 9:15, I was at 6 cm without any Pitocin. Once they started that though, things got crazy (I didn't really think I needed it to begin with). The contractions got so strong and so close that I couldn't even come down to breathe!

I called for an epidural, and the time it took for the anesthesiologist to get from his house to my room felt like an eternity. By the time he got it in my back, I was ready to push. It was time! Though the nurse said it was just the baby moving down, I instinctively knew what that feeling meant. So, while she took her sweet time calling in my doctor, who was also at home, I fought to hold back the incredible urge to get our baby out. By the time my doctor got into my room, pulled back the blanket, and I helped her get my feet into the stirrups, in one push, Little Man was here and in my arms! They said that if I hadn't taken the time to get the epidural, my doctor probably would've missed it!

At 10:41 PM on December 20th, Chayton Mitchell arrived weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long!

Joseph was so attentive and supportive, and I am so very glad we had such an intimate experience alone together. Our baby boy is strong, healthy, and eating like a champ! We're so glad to finally have our Christmas miracle here with us!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Things I Want To Teach My Son Before He Is Grown!

I recently shared the things I wish to teach my daughter before she is grown, but as mothers, there are also so many lessons that we need to be teaching our sons. How else will they understand women and how we work? Haha! Daddy can teach them how to be a good man, but it is our job to show them just how important being a good man truly is and the doors that can be opened in life because of being this way. Mamas should teach their boys that they don't have to be macho all the time and that it's okay to have feelings too. I absolutely adore you, my baby boy!

These are a few things I want to teach my son before he is grown:
  1. Shake hands with those you meet. Make it a firm handshake. It gains respect.
  2. Always say, "ma'am," "sir," "Mr.," and "Mrs." It absolutely gains respect.
  3. Whether you're big and burly or tall and lanky, don't make a body builder your idol. You don't have to look like a wrestler to be attractive. Be comfortable in your own skin.
  4. Look presentable and put-together, tuck in your shirt, and wear a belt, even if you're just going to the grocery store.
  5. The benefit of the doubt is sometimes the best gift we can give to others.
  6. There will always be bullies in life. Stand up for yourself, and make good friends who are willing to back you up. 
  7. Boys need best friends too. Find a good one who will be there for you, support you in bettering yourself and making good decisions, doesn't use you for rides or ask you for money all the time, and will always have your back (not stab you in it). 
  8. If a girl isn't kind to you, she will never be. No matter how pretty she is, girls can use you. You are NOT an ATM.
  9. Girls love a man who smells good. Pick a good cologne.
  10. No means no. Always. Never push it further.
  11. A kiss is something you earn. And you can always ask first. It's respectful and definitely a nice touch. 
  12. Go out of your way to learn her likes, wants, needs, and dreams. Build your dates and outings around them. Always ask questions about her. Girls LOVE that!
  13. Hold the door open for a lady (young or old) ...anyone before or after you works too. All of them. At home. In public. And especially the car door.
  14. Pull her chair out for her. Get her coat for her. 
  15. Have good hygiene. Take a shower, wash your face, comb your hair, brush your teeth, and please use deodorant. And by shower, I don't mean dousing yourself in body spray.
  16. I will probably be pretty tough on and critical about any girl you bring home. You're still my baby boy. The only one I will ever have. And she BETTER be good to you. ...If you don't feel comfortable introducing her to mom and dad, that should be a sign.
  17. Women don't understand that men are problem-solvers above all else and don't see the need to talk about things. Please bare with us.
  18. Realism is something your Daddy will teach you, but never lose that childlike outlook on life.
  19. Don't take life too seriously. Laugh at yourself.
  20. I don't expect you to be perfect. We all make mistakes. Just make sure to learn from them and try not to make the same ones over and over again.
  21. Being articulate and a good writer is not feminine. It is respected. 
  22. Girls love smart, cultured boys who they feel they can have an intelligent conversation with. 
  23. Determination is great. Just make sure to pick your battles wisely, and know when to let it go.
  24. Don't be afraid to get dirty. It's manly.
  25. If you take care of a good pair of cowboy boots, they will last for years.
  26. Be a role model for boys younger than yourself. 
  27. You will never be able to control what others think of you. Let it go.
  28. Take people under your wing. Invite a boy who is new or shier than yourself into your social group.
  29. Say, "please" and "thank you."
  30. Work hard at everything you do.
  31. Use your table manners.
  32. Always offer a lady (and even an older gentleman) your seat.
  33. Show respect to others, especially your elders. 
  34. Don't curse. Especially not around me.
  35. Be honest. Keep your word. It's all you have.
  36. Always make eye contact. 
  37. Stand up straight. You are worth it.
  38. Read books ...often.
  39. Have a romantic sensibility. Show it.
  40. Stay away from gossip. Yes, boys can get wrapped up in gossip too. 
  41. Stay humble. 
  42. Choose good company with those who are a good influence. Peer pressure is one of the hardest things you will ever encounter.
  43. Talk about your thoughts and feelings. Don't bottle them up inside. 
  44. Never let fear hold you back.
  45. You will probably get your heart broken (and just wait 'til I get my hands on her). Don't let that stop you from giving your heart to someone better. She could be the one. 
  46. You don't always have to be completely independent. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 
  47. Learn to cook, do your own laundry, and take care of your home. Ladies adore it!
  48. There will be ups and there will be downs in life. Hold on, it will get better.
  49. Saying you're sorry isn't a sign of weakness.
  50. Explore and appreciate nature.
  51. Show compassion to others and their situations.
  52. Be grateful for those you love and all you have. Show that appreciation.
  53. Don't be afraid to try new things. 
  54. Be creative. Build something with your own hands. Learn to play the guitar. Have a hobby. Have a passion. 
  55. Be passionate about everything you do.
  56. Do some of the grunt work. No matter how educated you are or how much money you have.
  57. Be active in your own life. Don't let it pass you by.
  58. Everything you do has a consequence. Actions early in life WILL affect you later in life.
  59. Don't ever forget where you come from. Always take time for family. 
  60. Sex is worth the wait for the right person. I promise.
  61. Take criticism gracefully and learn from it.
  62. Have good sportsmanship. No one wins every time.
  63. Be strong but don't forget to be tender.
  64. Remember that I women can do anything you can do. Don't ever tell her different.
  65. Bring her/send her flowers. For no reason at all is as good of a reason as any.
  66. Never stop calling your wife "beautiful" and "baby." Never stop dating and courting her. Never stop giving her affection and pining for hers.
  67. Never take for granted a woman who takes care of you. Tell her she is appreciated, and do for her as well. Do the dishes (even if she says she's got it), rub her feet, etc.
  68. Romance isn't just sex. It's a kiss before you leave in the morning, holding her hand in the car, holding her in your arms when she cries, protecting her honor, and telling her how much you care every time you get the chance.
  69. Say, "I love you." It doesn't make you less of a man.
  70. Shopping isn't that bad!
  71. Know how to work on your own car and fix your own house.
  72. Even if you don't accept them, learn about other cultures and ways of thinking.
  73. See the best in others.
  74. Real women do NOT look like Victoria Secret models.
  75. Forgive ...and forget. Bitterness only hurts YOU.
  76. Be a leader, not a follower.
  77. You don't have to fit in. You are your own man, and people will respect that.
  78. I am always on your side; especially when it doesn't feel like it.
  79. We will ALWAYS be proud of you.
  80. Fight for what you stand for and what you believe in.
  81. Don't be afraid to cry. It's good for you, and you aren't expected to be macho ALL the time.
  82. You will never be too old for me to hold you.
  83. Go big, even if it means failing big. Especially then.
  84. Be the friend you wish you had.
  85. Bodily functions are not to be shared with everyone, and "dutch ovens" are NEVER funny.
  86. If you expect to meet a lady, make sure you are a gentleman.
  87. I will always stand up for you, no matter what the situation or who it's against.
  88. Respect pregnancy and childbirth, and remember that being a Stay-At-Home Mom deserves just as much respect as going to work every day.
  89. I'm more interested in your growth than your happiness.
  90. I will move mountains when you hurt. And I will always come when you call.
  91. Challenge yourself. Strive to be your best. Never just skate by and do what is expected of you. Exceed everyone's expectations every chance you get.
  92. The truth is always better than a lie, no matter how bad it hurts.
  93. The truth will always find its way to the light.
  94. Give your wife all your heart. It's worth the fear of letting go.
  95. Don't ever go to bed angry. Each day is a new start.
  96. Let your wife carry you through the hard times. Clinging to her isn't weakness; she already knows how strong you are.
  97. Always finish what you start.
  98. Think before you speak. Make sure you say what you mean and that your words mean something.
  99. Speak kindly of your loved ones, and show respect to them in public. Keep any arguments behind closed doors.
  100. Listen when others talk. You might learn something.
  101. Don't judge. You never know what someone else is going through.
  102. Say, "I love you" every time you leave someone or get off the phone with someone. It may be the last time you ever see them or talk to them.
  103. Make your marriage and your wife your priority, above all else.
  104. You're the most brave when you're the most scared, yet keep going anyway.
  105. Never let someone tell you your worth or make you feel less that what you are.
  106. Patience is never wasted.
  107. Love fights for what belongs to it.
  108. The only thing holding you back from accomplishing your goals and dreams will be yourself.
  109. You only get one chance at an education. Take advantage of it, and don't squander it.
  110. Trust your gut. Your head and your heart can lead you astray.
  111. Listen to your father's teachings. He knows what he's talking about, and he's a good man. He's been there. He was young once too.
  112. Control your temper.
  113. Stay fit, and always make your health a priority.
  114. Never stop learning and striving to learn, whatever it may be.
  115. Protect women. Help them out (carry the groceries, get the can off the top shelf, etc.)
  116. Watch over those who are younger and weaker than you.
  117. Joke around and laugh whenever you can. It's good for you.
  118. You don't need drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes to have a good time. 
  119. Don't ever disrespect a women (and don't you EVER do it around me).
  120. Don't settle for a spouse. Wait for the right one to come along. And make sure she is your best friend.
  121. Be careful about engaging in friendships with women who are not your wife.
  122. Be extremely careful about giving out or loaning money. People WILL take advantage of you.
  123. Be a good provider for your family, but make sure to save some time FOR your family. 
  124. Wear sunscreen ...and a hat. Trust me.
  125. Take OFF your hat when you go inside.
  126. Wait until everyone at the table has been served before eating.
  127. Take a compliment. Don't let me hear you say, "Mmm-hmm."
  128. Please trust my advice on women. I am one after all.
  129. You have been given great gifts and talents. Use them and nurture them.
  130. Know you are always loved. No matter what.
  131. Please don't ever stop giving me kisses. And call me every once in awhile.
  132. You can ALWAYS come home.
  133. Always be your best self. Your best will always be good enough. 
  134. Do for others any time you can.
  135. Nothing could ever make me love you less.
  136. I will never be tired of being your mother.
  137. You will always be my baby boy and the greatest gift from God.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Things I Want To Teach My Daughter Before She Is Grown!

There are things I wish my parents had taught me about the ways of the world, and there are mistakes I hope my children don't have to make to discover them. I cannot hope that my daughter will learn from my mistakes. I just want to instill in her certain things before she goes off into this world on her own, so she never ever feels alone and afraid. I love you more than life itself, sweetheart!

A few things I want my baby girl to know before she is grown:
  1. Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of body. You are absolutely gorgeous; you just have to see that.
  2. When it comes to clothes, shorter and lower are not better (and will never be allowed in this house).
  3. Be confident in yourself and your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to and are willing to work hard for.
  4. Maintain your body and stay fit, but don't think that being a Size 0, having big boobs, and the perfect butt is mandatory to attract the right man who will think you're perfect just the way you are.
  5. Be sweet, kind, and respectful to others (even if it hurts sometimes), especially your elders. 
  6. Always use "ma'am," "sir," "Mr.," and "Mrs." It absolutely gains respect.
  7. The benefit of the doubt is sometimes the best gift we can give to others.
  8. There will always be "mean girls," but that doesn't mean we should find a tower and Rapunzel ourselves away from the world. School is hard; just remember to keep you head high. It will get easier.
  9. Your Daddy has loved you better and longer than any boy ever will. So, just accept that he will scrutinize and try to terrify any boy who tries to come between that.
  10. Your brother will teach you how boys should treat you. 
  11. Boys will never understand us as much as they think they do. Give them a break about it.
  12. The world needs your point of view. Your voice will never be too small to matter. 
  13. Your body is stronger and more capable of far more than you can imagine. 
  14. Optimism is not a bad thing. Sometimes it's the only thing that keeps you going.
  15. It's better to be yourself than a cookie cutter image of what the world says you should be. You are your own individual person, and unique is always more attractive and interesting.
  16. Cook, decorate, clean, and organize only because you love to, not because someone tells you you're meant to or that it's your place.
  17. Enjoy music. Sing along.
  18. "Stop and smell the roses" isn't just a phrase. Make sure you do it. Enjoy and explore nature. It's one of the only truly pure things we have in this world.
  19. Dance whenever you get the chance. Don't worry about who's looking. 
  20. Don't take life too seriously. Laugh at yourself.
  21. Smiling, no matter how bad or down you feel, will always make you feel better.
  22. You'll never be too old for me to rock you or hold you.
  23. The world needs your story and all you have to offer. 
  24. Never be afraid to tell me something. Nothing you do or say will ever make me want to stop spending time with you.
  25. No prayer request is ever too small, too silly, or too embarrassing to share. 
  26. Don't ever be afraid to ask a question, no matter how silly it may seem.
  27. Washing your face every night is the best kind of beauty routine. 
  28. Wear make-up only for yourself, not anyone else. Boys really don't care. And remember, less is more.
  29. Sunscreen, child - you got my genes.
  30. Appreciate being young and the innocence of childhood. Don't grow up too fast. It's not that great, and it comes soon enough anyway. 
  31. Choose a God-fearing, hard-working man with morals and values (your Daddy is a good example) who loves you for who you are and doesn't expect you to change any aspect of yourself for him. Make sure he treats his Mama well because that's how he will eventually treat you.
  32. Your smile really can open doors in life.
  33. Blue eyes really do melt hearts.
  34. Words can build bridges between people. 
  35. Home is not where we live but who we love.
  36. I will never be perfect, and I will definitely make mistakes, but always know that I will never stop trying to be the best example for you and the best mother to you that I can possibly be. 
  37. I don't expect you to be perfect either. We all make mistakes. Just make sure to learn from them and try not to make the same ones over and over again.
  38. I will probably hurt your feelings at some point. I apologize in advance.
  39. You taught me how to feel beautiful. 
  40. Staying up late to read a good book is never a waste of time. Do it whenever you get the chance.
  41. You taught me what's important in life. 
  42. The best way to never worry about anyone gossiping about you is to never gossip about anybody else. If you know you're living right, you feel good about yourself, and you're doing the right thing, it doesn't matter what anyone else says.
  43. You taught me and your father how important we are to each other. 
  44. Good girls are not boring. Attracting the right attention is not a bad thing. 
  45. Boys love smart girls.
  46. Being articulate, as well as a good writer, will land you a job a whole lot easier than your looks or any degree.
  47. Don't be afraid to get dirty. It's good for you.
  48. Love animals. Have pets. They will never judge you or love you less for anything you do. We could learn from them.
  49. Always make your health a priority. You better outlive me and your Daddy.
  50. Saying sorry first is a sign of strength, not a weakness.
  51. I am always on your side; especially when it doesn't feel like it. 
  52. Your body is yours. A wonderful gift to be shared with your husband, who will appreciate it. I promise it's worth the wait. 
  53. Sex for the first time will require a beautiful sense of humor and a partner who loves you and is in it for life.
  54. Don't be afraid to talk to me about your body or sex. I was there once and went through it all too.
  55. There's not much you can tell me that will surprise me. I was young once too.
  56. The movies lie. Passion isn't a contorted exercise on a marble staircase, it's cooking together, laughing through the tears and stress, and still cuddling together in bed at the end of a long, hard day.
  57. Marriage is an act of courage, commitment, and sacrifice. It's also the most fun you'll ever have with your best friend.
  58. Always fight fair. But, don't ever be afraid to fight for what you stand for and what you believe in.
  59. You will probably be a tomboy because I'm not really a bows and dolls kind of person. And, I hate pink.
  60. A good cry can be great therapy. Don't be afraid to do it. 
  61. I will always be good for a hug and/or a shoulder to cry on.
  62. Cliques are inevitable from the time you are in elementary school until the time you're in the workplace. 
  63. A strong man is never threatened by a strong woman. Never change and never settle for less than you deserve.
  64. Go big, even if it means failing big. Especially then.
  65. Be the friend you wish you had.
  66. Travel. Any chance you get, travel. 
  67. You can't control what others think about you. Let it go.
  68. A first kiss should be toasted, treasured, and savored. 
  69. I will be your best friend. But, I will be your mother more. 
  70. I will always stand up for you, no matter what the situation or who it's against.
  71. You and your brother will always be mine and your father's top priority.
  72. Stop for sunsets.
  73. Prince Charming isn't a fairy tale, he's a myth. A man will never be perfect; if he loves you for your faults, love him for his.
  74. Husbands need a wife. Not another mom.
  75. Take pleasure in taking care of your husband. Show him that he is loved each and every moment you get together. Never stop doing the little things for him.
  76. Childbirth isn't really as bad as everyone says. It's worth any bit of pain felt to hold a child that you and the one you love created.
  77. Love waits. Love fights for what belongs to it. 
  78. Patience is never wasted.
  79. You don't have to "lay out" for hours or lay in a tanning bed to be beautiful. Having good skin that doesn't look like a leather coat is much more attractive.
  80. Don't just Facebook or Instagram your life. Live it. Real life is always better than online.
  81. Daddy will be the one helping you with your math homework. I can write a mean essay though. 
  82. Don't be afraid of a broken heart. Don't let it stop you from taking that leap of faith.
  83. The only thing holding you back from accomplishing your goals and dreams and making a difference in this world will be yourself. 
  84. Girlfriends are the best kind of free therapy there is. Make sure you find a good one.
  85. A good friend loves at all times, is always honest, and is always supportive. Period. 
  86. I'm more interested in your growth than your happiness. 
  87. I will move mountains when you hurt. And I will always come when you call. 
  88. I will always come pick you up, no matter where you are.
  89. Trust your gut. Your head and your heart can lead you astray. 
  90. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, don't do it, wear it, or say it. 
  91. Relationships and marriage aren't easy. If you want easy, don't do it. 
  92. Unconditional love is the best gift you could ever give someone.
  93. Challenge yourself. Strive to be your best self. Never just skate by and do what is expected of you. Exceed everyone's expectations every chance you get.
  94. Do what makes you proud of yourself. We will always be proud of you.
  95. Never be afraid of change or to try something new.
  96. Be honest. If you say you're going to do something, hold yourself accountable. You are only as good as your word.
  97. No matter what, you can always come home.
  98. We, as a family, need each other. And I will always need you in my life.
  99. Always appreciate those who are important to you and all you have. Make sure to show that appreciation.
  100. You will love again. 
  101. The truth is always better than a lie, no matter how much it hurts. 
  102. The truth will always find its way to the light. 
  103. Never let someone tell you your worth or make you feel less than what you are.
  104. Love shouldn't hurt.
  105. Joke and laugh whenever you get the chance. It's good for you. 
  106. Don't accuse. Ask questions but never start with blame.
  107. Know how to change your own oil and how to put on a spare tire. But, don't be afraid to call your Daddy if you break down.
  108. Talk about your thoughts and feelings. Don't bottle them up inside.
  109. Give your husband all your heart. It's worth the fear of letting go.
  110. Forgive ...and forget. Put it behind you and don't pick it back up again because bitterness only hurts you, no one else.
  111. Don't ever go to bed angry. Each day is a new start.
  112. Be strong for yourself, your loved ones, and those in need, but don't feel weak because you have needs and feelings yourself.
  113. Cling to the one you love during the hard times. Don't let them tear you apart.
  114. Always finish what you start.
  115. Think before you speak. Make sure you say what you mean and that your words mean something.
  116. Sometimes the best thing to do is hold your tongue and not say anything at all. 
  117. Protect the ones you love. Stand by them. Speak kindly of your loved ones to others, and show respect to them in public. Keep any arguments behind closed doors.
  118. Never let fear hold you back.
  119. Never stop kissing your husband, holding his hand, or saying, "I love you."
  120. Let go of the little things and commit to working through the big ones with the one you love.
  121. Listen when others talk. You might learn something.
  122. Laugh at his jokes. Even if they're not that funny.
  123. Listen to his stories. Even if you've heard them before.
  124. Learn to cook. I will teach you as much as I can. It can be so much fun, and it makes people happier than you would ever believe to have a home-cooked meal.
  125. Do for others as much as you can. 
  126. Don't judge. You never know what someone else is going through.
  127. Even if you don't agree with them, accept and explore other cultures and ways of thinking.
  128. Never stop learning and striving to learn.
  129. Make your marriage and your husband your priority, above all else.
  130. Work to have a better life. Don't let work be your life.
  131. Never stop trying to better yourself.
  132. Say, "I love you" every time you leave someone or get off the phone with someone. It may be the last time you ever see them or talk to them.
  133. Nothing could ever make me love you less.
  134. You're the most brave when you're the most scared, yet keep going anyway.
  135. Womanhood is a gift. Don't ever let anyone tell you different, hold you back, or put you down because of it.
  136. I will never be tired of being your mother.
  137. You will always be my baby girl, my first born, and the greatest gift from God.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The 5 Stages of Waiting for Labor!


How do I feel about inducing labor? I think it's all up to the Mama, the doctor, and the situation. I don't believe that anyone should be induced before 40 Weeks, but some doctors induce as a "rule" at 39 Weeks. I've heard inductions are harder on mom and baby, but ours went extremely smooth with Anna, so I feel very comfortable doing it again with Chayton. Plus, we are very serious about having our doctor there, and she will be on vacation for Christmas past the 20th. It's all about choice, ladies, so do your research, and trust your doctor's advice (with common sense in mind) because that's what you pay them for. Happy Laboring!

The 5 Stages of Waiting for Labor


I had pretty decent contractions last night, and I am in serious discomfort, which I am not looking forward to for the next four days (I got like NO sleep last night)!

The five stages of waiting for labor have literally been the same as the five stages of grief for me:

I'm at the point where I'm talking out loud to Little Man, as well as my uterus, and I'm sure that with all my excitement, anxiety, and frustration, I sound like a complete crazy person!

Stage 1: Denial

It all started with shock: I can't believe I haven't had this baby yet! Aren't second-time moms supposed to have their babies earlier? How is it that I'm 4 cm dilated, his head is so far down in the birth canal that the doctor has to reach around it to check my cervix, and I still haven't had anything real happen yet?

Stage 2: Anger

I'm so angry at my uterus! How dare you keep him in there when with as far down as he has moved and the feel of his kicks, I KNOW he's ready to get out of there and finally meet his Mommy, Daddy, and big sister! I'm ready to hold him!

I'm also angry at my mobility (or lack thereof), as I roll over in bed (correction: attempt to roll over in bed). I do hurdles to get over Anna's baby gates; I can't get off the floor when I sit down to play with Anna; I have a serious lack of energy to do anything that doesn't involve feeding or changing Anna (...and I don't want my family to suffer because of it!).

Stage 3: Bargaining

...With my body, I guess?

Pleeeeeeeeeease let me go into labor today!

....today passes into tomorrow...

Pleeeeeeeeeease let me go into labor today! If I walk until my feet want to fall off, will you let me go into labor today? Pleeeeeeeeeease!

...today passes into tomorrow. Press repeat.

Stage 4: Depression

I don't want to get out of bed. I do anyway because there are things that need to be done and a baby that has to be cared for. I troll The Bump threads and new mommy Facebook profiles and read the birth stories and stare longingly at the adorable little newborns. I temporarily retreat back to Stage 2 (see: Anger) and want to slap them all for having their bundles of joy already. Instead, I just feel sad, and resort back to Stage 3 (see: Bargaining).

Stage 5: Acceptance

We've finally arrived. 

I only have 5 more days (a whole heck of a lot less than 280 days), and D-Day will be here before I know it. If he wants to come early he will, but he's not ready yet (and everything is already planned out for that time frame, so it would be a whole lot more hectic if we had to do everything on the fly). I still have a few days to enjoy life without a newborn and to just appreciate being the parent to a gorgeous little girl (who deserves all the love and attention in the world).

Be it today, tomorrow, or Friday, we have an induction scheduled, and he will be in my arms by the end of this week. The end (and the beginning) is in sight, and pregnancy can't last forever. Furthermore, I'm sure I'll miss it when it's gone because this might be the last time I ever do it. The last time I feel my baby from the inside, still just mine, and so close to my heart.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Last Doctors Appointment!


We just had our very last doctors appointment before Baby Chayton is born today. I wasn't able to see my doctor because she had just gotten back from vacation and was completely backed up, so I saw the nurse practitioner there. She was great (...though not used to Anna's stranger anxiety)!

Everything is looking and sounding good (yet again, they say I am measuring small, but I apparently carry babies in my back, haha!), and when she checked my cervix, she said I am between 3-4 cm dilated (which is crazy because I was only at about 1 1/2 when I was induced with Anna), and he is literally RIGHT there (again, Anna had engaged by the time I was induced with her but wasn't nearly as low and hadn't shimmied down like he has). Like I could reach up there MYSELF and feel him he's so low. She had to reach around his head to check me. She said, "Feels like you're sitting on a bowling ball doesn't it? We'll be lucky if we even have to induce you!" ...yeah, heard that before and ended up praying and waiting until 2 days past 40 Weeks, haha!

Furthermore, I am VERY glad that we have already scheduled our induction with my doctor because she has 2 surgeries and 42 patients just TODAY! But, she said she will be on call this weekend and next week now that she's back from Florida, so she will be there whenever we need her, if he decides to make his debut earlier than this coming Friday.

So, that's about it. Now, it's back to the waiting game for 6 more days (though I think I might start packing our bags today at that news). It would be so interesting for labor to come naturally before Friday, just so I could experience it ALL. Who knows, this is probably the last baby for us ...at least for a long, LONG time! Haha!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Birth Plan!

Whether you have your OBGYN there, and everything goes as planned; things happen expediently, and you get the doctor on call; there are complications, actions have to be taken on the fly, and decisions have to be made as they come; and/or you're stuck four hours away and have to deliver at another hospital, it's always a good idea to have a Birth Plan to make sure your wishes are well-known and are followed to the best of the situation. 

I am using basically the same one I used with Anna (just made some adjustments here and there), so I thought I would give it to you ladies as a template, in case you were wondering just what info you should make sure to have on yours:

Birth Plan:

Full name: Kyrstie MiddleName LastName

Partner’s name: Joseph MiddleName LastName

Today’s date: December 12, 2013

Due date/Induction date: December 22, 2013/December 20, 2013

Doctor’s name: Dr. Kathryn LastName

Hospital name: Doctor’s Hospital


·         I am RH negative and have received the first round of the RhoGAM shot
·         I have a had a hemorrhaging/blood clot problem during delivery

My delivery is planned as: A vaginal delivery

I’d like…:

My Partner: Joseph LastName
…present before AND/OR during labor

During labor, I’d like:

·         The lights dimmed
·         As few interruptions as possible (keep the door closed)
·         Hospital staff limited to my own doctor and nurses (no students, residents, or interns present)
·         My partner to be present the entire time

I’d like to spend the first stage of labor: With the ability to stand up and walk around as much as possible

I’d like fetal monitoring to be: Done how and when my doctor deems necessary but still allowing me to continue to move around as much as possible

I’d like labor augmentation: Performed only if baby is in distress or if my doctor deems necessary

For pain relief, I’d like to use:
·         Breathing techniques
·         Changing positions
·         Massage
·         Standard epidural (only when/if requested)
o   Please ask before it is too late to administer the epidural

During delivery, I would like to:
·         Be positioned how my doctor sees fit
·         Preferably not lying on my back
·         Other positions I would like to try if delivery is not progressing expediently:
o   Squatting
o   Being semi-reclined
o   Lying on my side
o   Being on my hands and knees
o   Allowed to lean on my partner
o   Use people for leg support
o   Use foot pedals for support
·         I would like to use the birth bar for support

As the baby is delivered, I would like to:
·         Push as directed by my doctor and use whatever methods my doctor deems necessary
·         Avoid forceps usage and vacuum extraction, unless baby is in distress and/or it is deemed necessary by my doctor

I would like an episiotomy:
·         Performed only as a last resort (after positioning and other alternatives) and/or if my doctor deems it necessary
·         If it does have to be performed, I would like it to be performed with local anesthesia and for it to be followed by local anesthesia for the repair

Immediately after delivery, I would like:
·         My partner to cut the umbilical cord
·         To deliver the placenta as my doctor deems necessary

If a C-section is necessary, I would like:
·         To stay conscious but to be under epidural/anesthesia
·         My partner to remain with me the entire time
·         My hands left free so I can touch the baby
·         To have skin-to-skin contact as soon as the baby is born (just as if I were in the regular delivery room)
·         To breastfeed as soon as possible

I would like to hold baby: Immediately after delivery for skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding (I do not want the baby taken away for tests for at least an hour/until he has had his first feeding)

I’d like my family members: Terri LastName, Michael LastName, Mystie LastName, Sean LastName, Connie LastName, Ollie-Mae LastName, Lauren LastName, Angela LastName

…we will accept other visitors as well

·         To join me and baby in my room only after we have settled after birth and the baby has breastfed – Please ask us before letting the first people in just after birth, please advise anyone who comes to the desk to knock before coming into my room
·         To have unlimited visiting after birth

I’d like baby’s medical exam and procedures:
·         Give in my presence if possible and only after we’ve bonded skin-to-skin and he has breastfed
·         Given in my partner’s presence
·         To include a hearing screening test

Please don’t give baby:
·         Formula (unless the baby cannot handle my breast milk for some reason)

I’d like baby’s first bath given: In my presence and in my partner’s presence

I’d like to feed baby:
·         Only with breast milk (unless baby cannot handle my breast milk for some reason)
·         On demand
·         With the help of a lactation specialist

I’d like baby to stay in my room: All the time

I’d like my partner:
·         To have unlimited visiting
·         To sleep in my room

If we have a boy, circumcision should: Be performed

After birth, I’d like to stay in the hospital: As briefly as possible

If baby is not well, I’d like:
·         My partner and I to accompany him to the NICU or another facility
·         To breastfeed or provide pumped breast milk (unless baby is not able to handle it)
To be with him as much as possible and to hold him whenever possible

Furthermore, here is a Birth Plan template that you can literally just fill in the blanks for yourself. Good luck, Mamas! Happy Laboring!