Thursday, December 12, 2013

Birth Plan!

Whether you have your OBGYN there, and everything goes as planned; things happen expediently, and you get the doctor on call; there are complications, actions have to be taken on the fly, and decisions have to be made as they come; and/or you're stuck four hours away and have to deliver at another hospital, it's always a good idea to have a Birth Plan to make sure your wishes are well-known and are followed to the best of the situation. 

I am using basically the same one I used with Anna (just made some adjustments here and there), so I thought I would give it to you ladies as a template, in case you were wondering just what info you should make sure to have on yours:

Birth Plan:

Full name: Kyrstie MiddleName LastName

Partner’s name: Joseph MiddleName LastName

Today’s date: December 12, 2013

Due date/Induction date: December 22, 2013/December 20, 2013

Doctor’s name: Dr. Kathryn LastName

Hospital name: Doctor’s Hospital


·         I am RH negative and have received the first round of the RhoGAM shot
·         I have a had a hemorrhaging/blood clot problem during delivery

My delivery is planned as: A vaginal delivery

I’d like…:

My Partner: Joseph LastName
…present before AND/OR during labor

During labor, I’d like:

·         The lights dimmed
·         As few interruptions as possible (keep the door closed)
·         Hospital staff limited to my own doctor and nurses (no students, residents, or interns present)
·         My partner to be present the entire time

I’d like to spend the first stage of labor: With the ability to stand up and walk around as much as possible

I’d like fetal monitoring to be: Done how and when my doctor deems necessary but still allowing me to continue to move around as much as possible

I’d like labor augmentation: Performed only if baby is in distress or if my doctor deems necessary

For pain relief, I’d like to use:
·         Breathing techniques
·         Changing positions
·         Massage
·         Standard epidural (only when/if requested)
o   Please ask before it is too late to administer the epidural

During delivery, I would like to:
·         Be positioned how my doctor sees fit
·         Preferably not lying on my back
·         Other positions I would like to try if delivery is not progressing expediently:
o   Squatting
o   Being semi-reclined
o   Lying on my side
o   Being on my hands and knees
o   Allowed to lean on my partner
o   Use people for leg support
o   Use foot pedals for support
·         I would like to use the birth bar for support

As the baby is delivered, I would like to:
·         Push as directed by my doctor and use whatever methods my doctor deems necessary
·         Avoid forceps usage and vacuum extraction, unless baby is in distress and/or it is deemed necessary by my doctor

I would like an episiotomy:
·         Performed only as a last resort (after positioning and other alternatives) and/or if my doctor deems it necessary
·         If it does have to be performed, I would like it to be performed with local anesthesia and for it to be followed by local anesthesia for the repair

Immediately after delivery, I would like:
·         My partner to cut the umbilical cord
·         To deliver the placenta as my doctor deems necessary

If a C-section is necessary, I would like:
·         To stay conscious but to be under epidural/anesthesia
·         My partner to remain with me the entire time
·         My hands left free so I can touch the baby
·         To have skin-to-skin contact as soon as the baby is born (just as if I were in the regular delivery room)
·         To breastfeed as soon as possible

I would like to hold baby: Immediately after delivery for skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding (I do not want the baby taken away for tests for at least an hour/until he has had his first feeding)

I’d like my family members: Terri LastName, Michael LastName, Mystie LastName, Sean LastName, Connie LastName, Ollie-Mae LastName, Lauren LastName, Angela LastName

…we will accept other visitors as well

·         To join me and baby in my room only after we have settled after birth and the baby has breastfed – Please ask us before letting the first people in just after birth, please advise anyone who comes to the desk to knock before coming into my room
·         To have unlimited visiting after birth

I’d like baby’s medical exam and procedures:
·         Give in my presence if possible and only after we’ve bonded skin-to-skin and he has breastfed
·         Given in my partner’s presence
·         To include a hearing screening test

Please don’t give baby:
·         Formula (unless the baby cannot handle my breast milk for some reason)

I’d like baby’s first bath given: In my presence and in my partner’s presence

I’d like to feed baby:
·         Only with breast milk (unless baby cannot handle my breast milk for some reason)
·         On demand
·         With the help of a lactation specialist

I’d like baby to stay in my room: All the time

I’d like my partner:
·         To have unlimited visiting
·         To sleep in my room

If we have a boy, circumcision should: Be performed

After birth, I’d like to stay in the hospital: As briefly as possible

If baby is not well, I’d like:
·         My partner and I to accompany him to the NICU or another facility
·         To breastfeed or provide pumped breast milk (unless baby is not able to handle it)
To be with him as much as possible and to hold him whenever possible

Furthermore, here is a Birth Plan template that you can literally just fill in the blanks for yourself. Good luck, Mamas! Happy Laboring!

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Thanks for reading Blue Sky Days! XOXO, Kyrstie.