Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Things I Want To Teach My Son Before He Is Grown!

I recently shared the things I wish to teach my daughter before she is grown, but as mothers, there are also so many lessons that we need to be teaching our sons. How else will they understand women and how we work? Haha! Daddy can teach them how to be a good man, but it is our job to show them just how important being a good man truly is and the doors that can be opened in life because of being this way. Mamas should teach their boys that they don't have to be macho all the time and that it's okay to have feelings too. I absolutely adore you, my baby boy!

These are a few things I want to teach my son before he is grown:
  1. Shake hands with those you meet. Make it a firm handshake. It gains respect.
  2. Always say, "ma'am," "sir," "Mr.," and "Mrs." It absolutely gains respect.
  3. Whether you're big and burly or tall and lanky, don't make a body builder your idol. You don't have to look like a wrestler to be attractive. Be comfortable in your own skin.
  4. Look presentable and put-together, tuck in your shirt, and wear a belt, even if you're just going to the grocery store.
  5. The benefit of the doubt is sometimes the best gift we can give to others.
  6. There will always be bullies in life. Stand up for yourself, and make good friends who are willing to back you up. 
  7. Boys need best friends too. Find a good one who will be there for you, support you in bettering yourself and making good decisions, doesn't use you for rides or ask you for money all the time, and will always have your back (not stab you in it). 
  8. If a girl isn't kind to you, she will never be. No matter how pretty she is, girls can use you. You are NOT an ATM.
  9. Girls love a man who smells good. Pick a good cologne.
  10. No means no. Always. Never push it further.
  11. A kiss is something you earn. And you can always ask first. It's respectful and definitely a nice touch. 
  12. Go out of your way to learn her likes, wants, needs, and dreams. Build your dates and outings around them. Always ask questions about her. Girls LOVE that!
  13. Hold the door open for a lady (young or old) ...anyone before or after you works too. All of them. At home. In public. And especially the car door.
  14. Pull her chair out for her. Get her coat for her. 
  15. Have good hygiene. Take a shower, wash your face, comb your hair, brush your teeth, and please use deodorant. And by shower, I don't mean dousing yourself in body spray.
  16. I will probably be pretty tough on and critical about any girl you bring home. You're still my baby boy. The only one I will ever have. And she BETTER be good to you. ...If you don't feel comfortable introducing her to mom and dad, that should be a sign.
  17. Women don't understand that men are problem-solvers above all else and don't see the need to talk about things. Please bare with us.
  18. Realism is something your Daddy will teach you, but never lose that childlike outlook on life.
  19. Don't take life too seriously. Laugh at yourself.
  20. I don't expect you to be perfect. We all make mistakes. Just make sure to learn from them and try not to make the same ones over and over again.
  21. Being articulate and a good writer is not feminine. It is respected. 
  22. Girls love smart, cultured boys who they feel they can have an intelligent conversation with. 
  23. Determination is great. Just make sure to pick your battles wisely, and know when to let it go.
  24. Don't be afraid to get dirty. It's manly.
  25. If you take care of a good pair of cowboy boots, they will last for years.
  26. Be a role model for boys younger than yourself. 
  27. You will never be able to control what others think of you. Let it go.
  28. Take people under your wing. Invite a boy who is new or shier than yourself into your social group.
  29. Say, "please" and "thank you."
  30. Work hard at everything you do.
  31. Use your table manners.
  32. Always offer a lady (and even an older gentleman) your seat.
  33. Show respect to others, especially your elders. 
  34. Don't curse. Especially not around me.
  35. Be honest. Keep your word. It's all you have.
  36. Always make eye contact. 
  37. Stand up straight. You are worth it.
  38. Read books ...often.
  39. Have a romantic sensibility. Show it.
  40. Stay away from gossip. Yes, boys can get wrapped up in gossip too. 
  41. Stay humble. 
  42. Choose good company with those who are a good influence. Peer pressure is one of the hardest things you will ever encounter.
  43. Talk about your thoughts and feelings. Don't bottle them up inside. 
  44. Never let fear hold you back.
  45. You will probably get your heart broken (and just wait 'til I get my hands on her). Don't let that stop you from giving your heart to someone better. She could be the one. 
  46. You don't always have to be completely independent. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 
  47. Learn to cook, do your own laundry, and take care of your home. Ladies adore it!
  48. There will be ups and there will be downs in life. Hold on, it will get better.
  49. Saying you're sorry isn't a sign of weakness.
  50. Explore and appreciate nature.
  51. Show compassion to others and their situations.
  52. Be grateful for those you love and all you have. Show that appreciation.
  53. Don't be afraid to try new things. 
  54. Be creative. Build something with your own hands. Learn to play the guitar. Have a hobby. Have a passion. 
  55. Be passionate about everything you do.
  56. Do some of the grunt work. No matter how educated you are or how much money you have.
  57. Be active in your own life. Don't let it pass you by.
  58. Everything you do has a consequence. Actions early in life WILL affect you later in life.
  59. Don't ever forget where you come from. Always take time for family. 
  60. Sex is worth the wait for the right person. I promise.
  61. Take criticism gracefully and learn from it.
  62. Have good sportsmanship. No one wins every time.
  63. Be strong but don't forget to be tender.
  64. Remember that I women can do anything you can do. Don't ever tell her different.
  65. Bring her/send her flowers. For no reason at all is as good of a reason as any.
  66. Never stop calling your wife "beautiful" and "baby." Never stop dating and courting her. Never stop giving her affection and pining for hers.
  67. Never take for granted a woman who takes care of you. Tell her she is appreciated, and do for her as well. Do the dishes (even if she says she's got it), rub her feet, etc.
  68. Romance isn't just sex. It's a kiss before you leave in the morning, holding her hand in the car, holding her in your arms when she cries, protecting her honor, and telling her how much you care every time you get the chance.
  69. Say, "I love you." It doesn't make you less of a man.
  70. Shopping isn't that bad!
  71. Know how to work on your own car and fix your own house.
  72. Even if you don't accept them, learn about other cultures and ways of thinking.
  73. See the best in others.
  74. Real women do NOT look like Victoria Secret models.
  75. Forgive ...and forget. Bitterness only hurts YOU.
  76. Be a leader, not a follower.
  77. You don't have to fit in. You are your own man, and people will respect that.
  78. I am always on your side; especially when it doesn't feel like it.
  79. We will ALWAYS be proud of you.
  80. Fight for what you stand for and what you believe in.
  81. Don't be afraid to cry. It's good for you, and you aren't expected to be macho ALL the time.
  82. You will never be too old for me to hold you.
  83. Go big, even if it means failing big. Especially then.
  84. Be the friend you wish you had.
  85. Bodily functions are not to be shared with everyone, and "dutch ovens" are NEVER funny.
  86. If you expect to meet a lady, make sure you are a gentleman.
  87. I will always stand up for you, no matter what the situation or who it's against.
  88. Respect pregnancy and childbirth, and remember that being a Stay-At-Home Mom deserves just as much respect as going to work every day.
  89. I'm more interested in your growth than your happiness.
  90. I will move mountains when you hurt. And I will always come when you call.
  91. Challenge yourself. Strive to be your best. Never just skate by and do what is expected of you. Exceed everyone's expectations every chance you get.
  92. The truth is always better than a lie, no matter how bad it hurts.
  93. The truth will always find its way to the light.
  94. Give your wife all your heart. It's worth the fear of letting go.
  95. Don't ever go to bed angry. Each day is a new start.
  96. Let your wife carry you through the hard times. Clinging to her isn't weakness; she already knows how strong you are.
  97. Always finish what you start.
  98. Think before you speak. Make sure you say what you mean and that your words mean something.
  99. Speak kindly of your loved ones, and show respect to them in public. Keep any arguments behind closed doors.
  100. Listen when others talk. You might learn something.
  101. Don't judge. You never know what someone else is going through.
  102. Say, "I love you" every time you leave someone or get off the phone with someone. It may be the last time you ever see them or talk to them.
  103. Make your marriage and your wife your priority, above all else.
  104. You're the most brave when you're the most scared, yet keep going anyway.
  105. Never let someone tell you your worth or make you feel less that what you are.
  106. Patience is never wasted.
  107. Love fights for what belongs to it.
  108. The only thing holding you back from accomplishing your goals and dreams will be yourself.
  109. You only get one chance at an education. Take advantage of it, and don't squander it.
  110. Trust your gut. Your head and your heart can lead you astray.
  111. Listen to your father's teachings. He knows what he's talking about, and he's a good man. He's been there. He was young once too.
  112. Control your temper.
  113. Stay fit, and always make your health a priority.
  114. Never stop learning and striving to learn, whatever it may be.
  115. Protect women. Help them out (carry the groceries, get the can off the top shelf, etc.)
  116. Watch over those who are younger and weaker than you.
  117. Joke around and laugh whenever you can. It's good for you.
  118. You don't need drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes to have a good time. 
  119. Don't ever disrespect a women (and don't you EVER do it around me).
  120. Don't settle for a spouse. Wait for the right one to come along. And make sure she is your best friend.
  121. Be careful about engaging in friendships with women who are not your wife.
  122. Be extremely careful about giving out or loaning money. People WILL take advantage of you.
  123. Be a good provider for your family, but make sure to save some time FOR your family. 
  124. Wear sunscreen ...and a hat. Trust me.
  125. Take OFF your hat when you go inside.
  126. Wait until everyone at the table has been served before eating.
  127. Take a compliment. Don't let me hear you say, "Mmm-hmm."
  128. Please trust my advice on women. I am one after all.
  129. You have been given great gifts and talents. Use them and nurture them.
  130. Know you are always loved. No matter what.
  131. Please don't ever stop giving me kisses. And call me every once in awhile.
  132. You can ALWAYS come home.
  133. Always be your best self. Your best will always be good enough. 
  134. Do for others any time you can.
  135. Nothing could ever make me love you less.
  136. I will never be tired of being your mother.
  137. You will always be my baby boy and the greatest gift from God.

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