Friday, May 12, 2023

Summer Homeschooling - Zombie Apocalypse Week


Monday: Would you survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

  • Rules of Surviving in Zombieland (just read if your kids are squeamish - some of these are silly, but some have excellent reasoning and purpose):
    • #1: Cardio - When the virus struck, for obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties. Zombies aren't fast. To escape, it's more important to be able to run longer than faster.
    • #2: Double Tap - In those moments when you're not sure the undead are really dead dead, don't get all stingy with your bullets. One clean shot to the head can protect against zombies playing possum.
    • #3: Beware of Bathrooms - Don't let them catch you with your pants down. Zombies know to hang around them, caution can help avoid an ambush.
    • #4: Seatbelts - Wear one, zombies rarely do. Braking can send them flying away.
    • #7: Travel light - And I don't mean just luggage. Traveling light means traveling fast. Only pack essentials.
    • #17: Don't Be a Hero / Be a Hero - Unnecessary risks are risks that shouldn't be taken. But for loved ones, some risks are worth taking.
    • #18: Limber up - A muscle cramp during a zombie chase is a death sentence.
    • #22: When in Doubt, Know Your Way Out - Knowing where to flee can aid an escape.
    • #23: Ziploc™ Bags - You got enough problems, moisture shouldn't be one of them.
    • #31: Check the Back Seat - Zombies or little girls with guns may hide there, don't be caught off guard.
    • #32: Enjoy the little things - Zombieland is harsh, enjoy happiness where it can be found to stay sane.
    • #36: Sunscreen
    • #42: Keep your hands to yourself - It's just polite. It ostensibly leads to better group cohesion and facilitation of rule #52.
    • #52: Don't be afraid to ask for help - Groups have a greater chance of survival.
  • Real-World Survival Tips
  • Media: Watch You vs. Wild Interactive

Tuesday: Make your Bug-Out Bag
  • Backpack Activity: Ask them what they think they should pack to be prepared for a bug-out situation or even just a hike – tell them to imagine the basics they would need to survive a night in the woods.
  • Bug-Out Bag
  • Bug-Out Simulation: Give them a bag and give them 20mins to pack everything they would need to bug out. Then, see what they're missing and what the household may be missing.

Thursday: First Aid
  • Kids On Outdoor Trips: First Aid Recommendations
  • Ask them about some things they should avoid in the outdoors to be safe.
  • Go over precautions to take – This includes bug spray, sunscreen, and properly fitting footwear to reduce the risk of falls.
  • Self-defense
  • Foraging for Food: 
    • Edible vs. Non-edible – Go over what you can eat in the wild, but always ask an adult before doing so.
  • Situational Awareness

Friday: Hunting and Firearms
  • Get a Daisy bb gun or an airsoft gun, and learn how to shoot.
  • Learn how to prepare and cook a hunt.

Saturday: Field Trip to a National or State Park to test out their survival skills. We went to Colorado Bend State Park.

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Thanks for reading Blue Sky Days! XOXO, Kyrstie.