Friday, June 7, 2024

Summer Homeschooling - Supernatural Week


Saving people, hunting things – the family business.


Season One Mystery: What killed Mary and Jessica?

Monday: Spirits, Wendigos, & Demons

  • Math: How many miles on BabyAll Locations - Miles traveled in Baby during Season One: 20,290 - Mark the map as they travel. 750K for Baby's lifetime.
  • Art: Get John's journal - build your own journal like John - Season One Creatures - make creature grids with stats like in D&D
  • Science: EMF Meter - Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a central part of many paranormal theories, including the idea that ghosts may interact with the environment through them. EMF meters are often used in ghost hunting equipment to detect these fields, which can be generated by moving electric charges and the Earth's core. Some believe that spirits may disrupt or manipulate these fields when they are present.
  • What's in Baby's trunk?
    • Survival supplies: a government credential for every occasion, a spare tire, toolbox, silverware set, first-aid kit, gasoline gallon, sledgehammer, and emergency flares. 
    • Monster-killing basics: lighters, matchboxes, and shovels to banish ghosts; candles or spray paint for spells and sigils. A stack of burner phones and replaceable laptops are essential for research, while ropes, chains, lock picks, and duct tape rolls all come in handy.
    • Basic hunting tools: EMF meters to read paranormal activity appeared frequently during early seasons, as did rosaries for blessing holy water (also available in gallons in the trunk), anti-possession necklaces to ward off demons, and salt for pretty much everything. Curse boxes to hold cursed objects, modified tasers for taking down rawheads, flamethrowers to deal with changelings, and flare guns for wendigos. Jars of dead man's blood, holy oil and Borax are necessary for fighting vampires, angels and Leviathans, respectively. The purpose of the wooden and silver stakes is unknown, as is the reason for carrying dreamcatchers and crucifixes, although they may act as warding. Dean's crossbow and silver-tipped arrows are also a mystery. The most important tools in the trunk, however, are probably the books. John Winchester and Bobby Singer's journals are valuable sources of hunting lore, while Rowena's journal and spell books help Sam master several spells.
    • Knives and blades: axes, pocket knives, and machetes (for beheading vampires). Iron knives are effective against a long list of creatures, including demons, ghosts, fairies, and hellhounds. Silver is similarly powerful, wounding monsters such as djinn, lamias, revenants, shapeshifters, werewolves, and wraiths.
    • A surplus of firearms: Dean is most often seen with is his Colt M1911A1, a .45 caliber handgun used by the U.S. military in the early 1900s. Sam is primarily seen using the Taurus Model 99, a 9mm pistol similar to the Beretta. Revolvers, shotguns and rifles are also used by Dean and Sam Winchester depending on the situation. Shotguns are often loaded with rock salt shells to dispel ghosts, while revolvers are also useful for loading specialized bullets. The brothers store a variety of ammunition in the Impala's trunk including iron, silver, and dead man's blood bullets, as well as bullets capable of killing witches and etched with devil's traps to contain demons.
    • Rare specialty weapons: 37mm DefTech grenade launcher was visible in the very first episode of Supernatural. A harpoon gun, nunchucks, collapsible batons, and ninja stars.

Episode 1: Woman In White - SupernaturalWiki

  • Palo Alto, CA (Stanford University)
  • Jericho, CA
  • Salt: salt repels spirits, rock salt, salt and burn bones to release trapped spirits or those who choose not move on, i.e. revenge
  • Jessica's death
Episode 2: Wendigo - more resources
  • Blackwater Ridge, Lost Creek, CO
  • Art: Anasazi symbols for protection
Episode 3: Dead in the Water
  • Lake Manitoc, WI
  • premonitions 
  • avenging spirit haunts the lake
  • Art: draw the weirdest thing you've ever seen in your dreams
Episode 4: Phantom Traveler
  • Kittaning, PA
  • Nazareth, PA
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • demons, exorcism, holy water; black eyes - more resources; demons give off sulfur
  • Why do demons set off EMF? Because they are also spirits, just back from hell. 

Tuesday: Shapeshifters & Curses

Episode 5: Bloody Mary
Episode 6: Skin
Episode 7: Hookman
  • Ankeny, IA
  • spirits can be attached to an object as well 
Episode 8: Bugs
  • Oasis Plains, OK (Atoka County)
  • Indian burial grounds, curse, plagues

Wednesday: Poltergeists, Vanirs, & Reapers

Episode 9: Home
  • Lawrence, KS
  • poltergeist
  • Gris-gris bags to purify the house: black bags filled with five-finger grass, also known as cinquefoil, uncrossing salt, and poke root. Spray the bag with jinx-removing spray and sprinkle with uncrossing oil.
Episode 10: Asylum
Episode 11: Scarecrow
  • Burkittsville, IN (near Scottsburg)
  • Vanir is being summoned in the form of a scarecrow to protect the town, in exchange for annual sacrifices, with a sacred tree in the town giving it power.
  • using blood to communicate with demons
  • make a pie
Episode 12: Faith

Thursday: Psychics/Sensitives, Daevas, & Tulpas

Episode 14: Nightmare
Episode 15: The Benders
Episode 16: Shadow
Episode 17: Hell House
  • Richardson, TX
  • Tulpa brought on by a Tibetan spirit sigil
  • Art: design your own haunted house

Friday: Shtrigas, Vampires, & Devil's Trap

Episode 18: Something Wicked
  • Fitchburg, WI
  • vampiric witch known as a shtriga; the Witcher
Episode 19: Provenance
  • New Paltz, NY
Episode 20: Dead Man's Blood
Episode 21: Salvation
  • Salvation, IA
Episode 22: Devil's Trap

Saturday: Field Trip to Haunted Location

Food: Dean's favorite stuff

Trivia: What Godzilla movie is Dean's favorite? Godzilla vs. Mothra

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