Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 23!

DAY 23 - Food: They say that scent is the strongest memory trigger, and you can't say that when you smell a turkey baking in the oven, you're not brought back to your most memorable family holidays. I LOVE food, and I LOVE cooking for others, and I most love cooking WITH others. It's such a fun, usually hilarious, bonding experience ...that tends to leave a mess, haha. Trying new recipes is so much fun, like a science experience! I may sound like a total fatty, but I'm so grateful for good, hearty food (I'm definitely not one of those tofu people), the connection it has with family, friends, and good times, and the way it brings together people that saw each other yesterday, as well as people that haven't seen each other in months, or even years!

Photo: DAY 23 - Food: They say that scent is the strongest memory trigger, and you can't say that when you smell a turkey baking in the oven, you're not brought back to your most memorable family holidays. I LOVE food, and I LOVE cooking for others, and I most love cooking WITH others. It's such a fun, usually hilarious, bonding experience ...that tends to leave a mess, haha. Trying new recipes is so much fun, like a science experience! I may sound like a total fatty, but I'm so grateful for good, hearty food (I'm definitely not one of those tofu people), the connection it has with family, friends, and good times, and the way it brings together people that saw each other yesterday, as well as people that haven't seen each other in months, or even years!

What kind of foods/recipes are you preparing/pot-lucking for your Thanksgiving dinner? I LOVE hearing fresh, new, and different dishes!

BSD Comic

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Thanks for reading Blue Sky Days! XOXO, Kyrstie.